1. Shower shoes are the best investment you can make. For the love of all things holy, wear your shower shoes! Community showers are breeding grounds for all sorts of creepy crawlies that you do not want anywhere near your person. Gross. In the same vein, please don't be the person who pukes in the shower (or the sink, or the water fountain, or in the middle of the hallway). The shower is supposed to be a safe space.
2. All-nighters are not fun and are totally avoidable. Budget your time and get some sleep the night before your exam. If you exponentially increase your caffeine intake and drastically cut the amount of sleep you get, you might end up in the library having an existential crisis while your heart feels like it's going to beat out of your chest and your hands shake so much you can't hold your pencil. (Not like I'm speaking from experience or anything...)
3. Print out your syllabus. Keep a copy in your binder and keep a copy in your desk. Read it. Live it. Love it.
4. Don't expect to get the same grades you did in high school. College is different. Work is harder, people will be smarter than you, and you will be overwhelmed. Study hard, put in your best effort, ask for help when you need it, and it will all work out fine.
5. Grades do not define you. Grades do not define you! Grades do not define you!!
6. Learn to say no.
7. It is possible to make good grades and be social. Don't spend all your time on homework and let your friendships suffer. Don't spend all your time going out and let your grades suffer. Find the balance that works for you and stick with it.
8. Work on building friendships rather than romantic relationships, especially your freshman year. Bows before bros, ladies!
9. It's okay to eat some of your meals alone. Seriously, don't worry about it!
10. As cliché as it sounds, don't sweat the small stuff! One failed test won't completely ruin your life. Trust me on this one.
Hang in there, all future graduates! Graduation is just around the corner.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. —Steve Jobs"
Kate xox